The Stench of Death

On Saturday October 7th, the world looked on in shock & dismay when Palestinian Hamas terrorists based in the Gaza Strip launched a series of barbaric attacks in southern Israel. The timing was chosen to coincide with the Jewish sabbath, as well as the last day of Sukkot, the festival which commemorates God’s care for the people of Israel when they wandered in the wilderness after coming out of Egypt.

At sunrise, Hamas operatives began firing thousands of rockets towards Israel. Although the “Iron Dome” defense system provides Israel with substantial protection, the sheer volume of projectiles overwhelmed the system. Rockets rained down upon Israeli cities such as Ashkelon & Tel Aviv.

Hamas rockets launched from Gaza City

Soon after, hundreds of Hamas terrorists used bulldozers to breach the border barriers between Gaza and Israel. Masked gunmen, many on motorcycles, fanned out into nearby Israeli communities, committing unspeakable acts of evil. Other Hamas operatives used motorboats or even paragliders to reach Israeli territory.

A few of the assaults targeted Israeli military outposts or police stations. However, the majority of the attacks were directed at civilians. At least 260 people were slaughtered at an outdoor music festival. Terrorists rushed into quiet Israeli kibbutzim where they burst into homes and massacred Jewish families in cold blood.

Many victims spent their last moments being tortured as they begged for their lives. Terrorists mutilated Israelis by cutting off fingers and gouging out eyes. Some were burned alive.

Neither the old nor the young were spared; in fact, several dozen infants were among those who perished. Women of all ages were repeatedly raped.

Hamas kidnapped roughly 200 persons during the incursion, including some children. These captives were taken back to Gaza.

Home where Israeli family was slaughtered.

The Israeli death toll exceeded 1,400, and another 3,200+ were injured. The large majority of those who perished were Jews, but the terrorists slaughtered Israeli Arabs and foreign nationals too.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it a “dark day” for Israel and promptly declared war against Hamas. The events were described as “the Israeli 9/11,” but perhaps that comparison doesn’t go far enough. Israel’s population is only about 9.4 million; the 1,400 deaths they’ve suffered would be the equivalent of over 50,000 Americans dying. (Just under 3,000 Americans died on 9/11.)

Israeli Defense Forces were eventually able to neutralize the Hamas terrorists. In response to the massacre, the IDF began conducting artillery and air strikes against terrorist infrastructure & personnel in the Gaza Strip, including rocket launch sites, weapons depots and command posts.

Unfortunately, Hamas has no concern for their own people. They routinely use the Palestinian civilian population as human shields. The terrorists conduct their violent campaigns from schools, hospitals, mosques and densely populated residential neighborhoods. Such despicable tactics make it virtually impossible for Israel to defend itself without inflicting civilian casualties.

Heart wrenching individual stories emerged from the carnage.

22-year-old Amit Man was an Israeli paramedic slain by Hamas. Before her death, Amit sent several messages to her family: “I was murdered by Hamas terrorists on Saturday while treating the wounded at a clinic at Kibbutz Be’eri.” Her final missive read, “They’re here, they are in the clinic. I don’t think I’ll make it out. I love you all.”

Amit Man
Mourners at the grave of Israeli paramedic Amit Man

90-year-old Gina Semiatichova was a holocaust survivor who was executed with a bullet to the head.

Gina Semiatichova

Hamas thugs entered the home of Adi Vital-Kaploun, where they shot and killed this young mother in front of her two sons, 4-year-old Negev and 4 months old Eshel. The boys are believed to have been taken hostage. The terrorists then booby trapped Adi’s body in hopes of inflicting injury upon Israeli first responders.

Adi Vital-Kaploun

Hamas is an Arabic acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement. The group was founded in 1987 by Palestinian cleric named Ahmed Yassin who lived in Gaza. The charter document of Hamas openly calls for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state over the historic land of Palestine – now the nation of Israel.

No one doubts the sincerity of Hamas. They’re truly committed to the ruthless annihilation of Israel. Hamas leadership has repeatedly vowed to murder all Jews, whether they live in Israel or abroad. In 1997, the US declared Hamas a terrorist organization & many other Western nations have followed suit. Despite widespread international condemnation, Hamas has persisted, thanks in large part to support from Iran.

Hamas has essentially controlled the Gaza strip since 2005, when Israel withdrew and granted autonomy to the Palestinians. In 2006, the Palestinian Authority held legislative elections resulting in Hamas capturing the majority of seats over their rival political party Fatah. But not long after these elections, the two parties descended into armed conflict. Hamas seized control over the Gaza Strip while PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party retained power over the West Bank.

Hamas’ ascent to power was a dark omen for the future of Gaza. The Palestinian people were now governed by a bloodthirsty organization committed to the eradication of their Israeli neighbors. Hamas was equally hostile towards any Arab country, group or person who expressed a willingness to live in peace with Israel.

Hamas Gunmen

Alarmed by the rise of Hamas, both Israel and neighboring Egypt imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip in order to limit the flow of weapons and terrorist operatives. This blockade has remained in place since 2007.

Troublingly, a poll in early 2023 indicated that Hamas continues to enjoy strong support among the Palestinian people. Just over half of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank favored a Hamas candidate over current Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas was first elected in 2005 but has refused to hold elections since then, knowing that he would likely lose.

In the face of such relentless evil, Israel has no choice but to defend itself by force. Immediately after the October 7th attacks, the IDF mobilized some 300,000 reservists. A strong perimeter was established around the Gaza strip. Additional units were deployed along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon in order to deter potential attacks by Hezbollah. (Like Hamas, Hezbollah is a terrorist group backed by Iran and committed to destroying Israel.)

Israeli airstrike on Gaza City

The bloodbath which took place on October 7th was unprecedented in scope. More Jews were murdered on that fateful day than on any other since the Holocaust. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government now seem determined to completely eliminate the threat of Hamas.

Over the 12 days since Hamas’ attack, the IDF has continued to reduce targets in the Gaza Strip. But the total annihilation of Hamas will require a ground offensive by Israeli forces; this offensive could commence at any time.

Vanquishing Hamas will come at a cost. Palestinian casualty figures are notoriously unreliable. Hamas routinely exaggerates or lies in an effort to cast Israel as the villain. Nonetheless, there is no question that thousands of Palestinians will lose their lives.

Many of these deaths will be Hamas terrorists. No one should mourn their passing; their blood will be upon their own heads.

Parking lot adjacent to al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City, where misfired Palestinian rocket struck, killing unknown number of people

Tragically, the butcher’s bill will include Palestinian civilians. In the fight to come, the IDF has a solemn responsibility to minimize innocent loss of life. Although the Israeli military should be held accountable for it actions, we cannot expect miracles from them. They are engaged is a vicious war against terrorists who have no regard for human life.

It will not be easy for Israeli soldiers to show restraint; just a few days ago they witnessed the slaughter of their family and friends. There will be further Israeli military casualties, in addition to those who have already fallen.

Israel’s military has an admirable history of avoiding harm to civilians. They routinely notify the Palestinians of impending military operations so that the target area can be evacuated, even though such warnings substantially degrade effectiveness and put Israeli soldiers at increased risk.

In the current conflict, Israel has repeatedly warned the Palestinian population of Gaza City to evacuate southward. Hamas, on the other hand, blocks their route of escape, forcing civilians to remain in harm’s way.

In the end, responsibility for this whole catastrophe must be placed squarely upon Hamas. They brought about the bloodbath of October 7th. Since then, they’ve continued to hurl thousands of rockets against Israel. They hide behind their own women and children. Hamas is not only determined to kill every last Jew, but they bring misery and death upon the Palestinian people as well. There can be no hope of peace and flourishing until Hamas has been swept away.


  1. Robert Poelstra

    Excellent, very well written, truthful and concise. Thank you for inviting me to read this. Keep up the great work Joel. Looking forward to reading more.

  2. John Niessen

    A sad day indeed. Almost as sad is that we may soon face similar murder and mayhem here. The Biden regime has invited and allowed literally millions of unvetted illegal aliens across our southern border in the past 2 1/2 years. Nobody knows how many terrorists are among their numbers.

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